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(+1) 88 700 600



Please note that not all helplines have English-speaking consultants. However, most of them might be able to accommodate your need to be assisted in English – please ask about it when you call.

Organization Service provided Contacts
Telefono Amico Italia Helps to overcome emotional tensions and to restore well-being in personal relationships. Support provided by volunteers. https://servizi.telefonoamico.it/mailamica/ITA/www/ma
Phone: 0223272327
Whatsapp: 3240117252
Samaritans Onlus Emotional support in absolute confidentiality with the main goal of suicide prevention. Support provided by volunteers. http://www.samaritansonlus.org/
Phone: 0677208977
Organization Service provided Service provided
3114, numéro national de prévention du suicide Confidential and free, helps meet the immediate needs of people seeking help: listening, evaluation, intervention, emergency, guidance or crisis monitoring Support provided by counselors. Open hours: 24/7 https://www.3114.fr/
Phone: 3114
SOS Help English-language emotional support line for the international community in France. Support provided by volunteers. https://soshelpline.org/
Phone: 0146214646
Organization Service provided Service provided
Línea 024 Free, accessible, immediate, confidential and staffed by experts, to support people with suicidal behaviour, family members and friends and intervene, if necessary, in complex high-risk situations. Open hours: 24/7 Support provided by counselors. https://www.sanidad.gob.es
Phone: 024
Asociación Internacional Teléfono de la Esperanza (ASITES) 24/7 helpline to address urgent, free, anonymous and specialized emotional crisis situations – such as anxiety, depression, trauma, PTSDS and thoughts of suicide. Support provided by volunteers and counselors. https://telefonodelaesperanza.org/necesito-ayuda
Phone: 914 590 055
Phone: 717003717
E-mail: [email protected]
Organization Service provided Service provided
TelefonSeelsorge Provides telephone-based emotional support and counseling services. Open hours:24/7 Support provided by volunteers. https://www.telefonseelsorge.de/
Phone: 08001110111
Berliner Krisendienst Offers advice and help in crisis situations, particularly in the evenings, at night and on weekends. Support provided by counselors. https://www.berliner-krisendienst.de/
Phone: 030-390 63 00
Organization Service provided Service provided
Klimaka KLIMAKA is proactive in both the provision of mental health services and the implementation of social inclusion programs for excluded groups in Greece and abroad. Open hours: 24/7 Support provided by counselors. https://www.klimaka.org.gr/
Phone: 1081
Women SOS National service that enables female victims of violence or third parties to contact a gender-based violence agency directly. Open hours: 24/7 Support provided by counselors. https://www.womensos.gr/
Phone: 15900
Email: [email protected]
Organization Service provided Service provided
CVV Offers emotional support and suicide prevention free of charge. Open hours: 24/7 Support provided by volunteers. https://www.klimaka.org.gr/
Phone: 118
Chat: cvv.org.br/chat
Email: cvv.org.br/e-mail
JUNAAB Alcoólicos Anônimos do Brasil Provides free and confidential support and information to help people in Brazil who may require support with substance use. Open hours: 24/7 Support provided by volunteers and counselors. https://www.aa.org.br/
Organization Service provided Service provided
Modrá linka Provides the support in a mental crisis. Open hours: 24/7 Support provided by counselors. https://chat.modralinka.cz/
Phone: 731 197 477
Phone: 608 902 410
Email: [email protected]
Linka první psychické pomoci Provides 24/7, free, compassionate and confidential support over phone and online chat. Support provided by counselors. https://linkapsychickepomoci.cz/
Phone: 116 123
Organization Service provided Service provided
Telefono de la Esperanza Provides mental health support and information. Support provided by volunteers. https://telefonodelaesperanzamedellin.org/
Phone: (604) 604 2784 (Medellin)
Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar  Offers 24/7, free, compassionate and confidential support over phone and online chat to help everyone in Colombia who may be experiencing emotional distress related to family issues, parenting, sexual abuse. Open hours: 24/7 Support provided by counselors. https://icbf.gov.co/
Phone: 141
Organization Service provided Contacts
Jaunimo linija (Youth line) Free emotional support by telephone and internet for everyone. Around-the-clock service. Support provided by volunteers. https://www.jaunimolinija.lt/en/
8 800 28888
Krizių įveikimo centras (Crisis Management Center) Emotional assistance for everyone.
The first consultation is free and does not require registration in advance. There are no age restrictions.
8 640 51555
Vyrų linija (Men’‎s line) Emotional support for men.
Assistance is provided by volunteers and mental health specialists.
8 670 00027
Nelik vienas (Don’‎t be alone) Emotional support for men provided by volunteers. https://nelikvienas.lt/
8 604 11119
Tėvų linija (Parent’‎s line) Free telephone counseling on parenting-related issues. http://www.pvc.lt/lt/LT/NAUJIENOS/2-BE-KATEGORIJOS/399-TEVU-LINIJA
8 800 900 12
Artimiems (For relatives) Help for the relatives of those who have committed suicide. http://artimiems.lt/
Projektas „Tu – ne vienas!“ (You are not alone!) Professional psychological help for free. http://www.tunevienas.lt/pagalbos-linija/
Iniciatyva „Tu esi“ (You are) Choose your topic of interest and/or problem and get directed to the respective helpline. https://tuesi.lt/noriu-bendrauti/
Vilties linija (Line of hope) Free around-the-clock emotional support for adults provided by volunteers and mental health specialists. https://www.viltieslinija.lt/
116 123
Pagalbos moterims linija (Helpline for women) Free support for women provided by volunteers and mental health specialists. https://pagalbosmoterimslinija.lt/
8 800 66366
Depresijos įveikimo centras It is generally a paid service, with one consultant providing free help. https://depresijosiveikimas.lt/
+370 682 51402
Organization Service provided Service provided
SOS VOZ AMIGA Helps all those who find themselves in situations of suffering caused by loneliness, anxiety, depression or risk of suicide. Support provided by volunteers. https://www.sosvozamiga.org/
Phone: 213 544 545
Voz de Apoio Provides free, punctual, anonymous and confidential emotional support. Support provided by volunteers. https://www.vozdeapoio.pt/chat/
Phone: 225 50 60 70
Email: [email protected]
Organization Service provided Service provided
HOPELINE247 Provides free and confidential support and information over phone and text message (SMS), help people in the United Kingdom who may be looking for support with suicide, supporting a friend or family member. Open hours: 24/7 Support provided by counselors. https://www.papyrus-uk.org/
Phone: 08000684141
Chat (text): 07860039967
National Suicide Prevention Helpline UK Provides, free and confidential support and information by phone to everyone who may need emotional support with suicide. Support provided by volunteers. https://www.spuk.org.uk/
Phone: 0800 689 5652
Organization Service provided Service provided
Cyprus Samaritans Provides confidential emotional support to those who are feeling distressed, lonely or unable to cope. Support provided by volunteers. https://cyprussamaritans.org/
Phone: 80007773
Email: [email protected]
Association for the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family (APHVF) Helpline 1440 Provides support and information about domestic and gender-based violence. Open hours: 24/7 Support provided by counselors. https://domviolence.org.cy/
Phone: 1440
Organization Service provided Service provided
DepreHUB Provides 24/7, free and confidential support by phone to prevent suicide and support people with other psychological issues. Open hours: 24/7 Support provided by volunteers. https://deprehub.ro/
Phone: 0374456420
TelVerde Antisuicid Provides support to persons who are at least 18 years of age and struggle with suicidal thoughts and behaviours. Support provided by volunteers. https://www.antisuicid.ro/
Phone: 0800 801 200
Email: [email protected]
Organization Service provided Service provided
Línea Prevención Suicidio | Ministerio de Salud Provides help to people who are facing an emergency or mental health crisis associated with suicide. Open hours: 24/7 Support provided by counselors. https://www.minsal.cl/construyendo-salud-mental/
Phone: 4141
Psicólogos X Chile Provides free and confidential support and information by phone. Support provided by counselors, volunteers. https://psicologosvoluntarios.cl/
Phone: 67613603
Phone: 75592366
Organization Service provided Service provided
de Luisterlijn Provides 24/7, free, compassionate and confidential support over phone and online chat for adults in Netherlands who may need emotional support. Open hours: Phone 24/7 Support provided by volunteers. https://chat-client-luisterlijn.serviant.nl/
Phone: 088 0767 000
Email: [email protected]
113 Zelfmoordpreventie Provides 24/7, free, compassionate and confidential support over phone and online chat to help people in Netherlands who may be struggling or looking for support. Open hours: 24/7 Support provided by counselors, volunteers. https://www.113.nl/
Phone: 08000113
Organization Service provided Service provided
Kryzysowy Telefon Zaufania 116 123 Provides psychological help to people experiencing emotional crisis, loneliness, suffering from depression, insomnia and chronic stress. Support provided by counselors. https://psychologia.edu.pl/116123.html
Phone: 116123
Centrum Wsparcia Dla Osob W Stanie Kryzysu Psychicznego Provides 24/7 to people across Poland who need help, conversation, counseling, and psychological support. Open hours: 24/7 Support provided by counselors. https://centrumwsparcia.pl/centrum-wsparcia/
Phone: 800 70 2222
Organization Service provided Service provided
Línea De La Vida  Provides 24/7, free and confidential emotional support by phone. Open hours: 24/7 Support provided by counselors. https://www.gob.mx
Phone: 8009112000
STAPTEL Provides counseling, referral, psychological support, psychotherapeutic advice and emotional crisis intervention services over the telephone free of charge. Open hours: 24/7 Support provided by counselors. https://www.saptel.org.mx/
Phone: 5552598121
Organization Service provided Service provided
Telefonos Lelkisegély-szolgálat Provides 24/7 help with all emotional and mental health experiences. Open hours: phone 24/7 Support provided by volunteers. https://sos116-123.hu/
Phone: 116-123
Phone: 06 80 810-600
Email: [email protected]
Kék Vonal Gyermekkrízis Alapítvány Emotional support line for young people (under 24) parents and professionals. Open hour: phone 24/7 Support provided by counselors, volunteers. https://kek-vonal.hu/
Phone: 116111 (young people)
Phone: 116000 (parents, professionals)
Organization Service provided Service provided
Pieta Provides 24/7, free, and confidential support and information for everyone who may be looking for support with suicide, self-harm and suicide bereavement. Open hours: 24/7 Support provided by counselors. https://www.pieta.ie/
Phone: 1800 247 247
Chat (sms): 51444
Samaritans (Ireland) Provides a free emotional support listening service by phone, 24/7. Help everyone who may be struggling or looking for support with any mental health, crisis and behavioural health reasons. Open hours: phone 24/7 Support provided by volunteers. https://www.samaritans.org
Phone: 116123
Email: [email protected]
Organization Service provided Service provided
La Voz Amiga Anonymous telephone service to help people who suffer. Open hours: 24/7 Support provided by volunteers. http://www.lavozamigaperu.org/
Phone: 0800-4-1212
Phone: 436-1212
Línea 100  Offers free, uninterrupted telephone attention and specialised in providing information, orientation, counseling and emotional support. Open hours: 24/7 Support provided by counselors. https://www.gob.pe
Phone: 100
International helplines across multiple countries
Organization Service provided Service provided
Child Helpline International A free and confidential service for children and young people for any type of issues. 116111
Bestfrienders Worldwide Volunteer service to prevent suicide and deal with other types of crises. https://www.befrienders.org/
International Federation of Telephone Emergency Services Emotional support, immediately accessible to any person suffering from loneliness, in a state of psychological crisis, or contemplating suicide. https://www.ifotes.org/en