Sometimes just a conversation with someone who knows what it's like to be a pilot can help take your peace and power back.
Sometimes just a conversation with someone who knows what it's like to be a pilot can help take your peace and power back.

All of us have the right to proper and efficient study and later work in conditions of freedom, equality, security, and dignity.

When you are a pilot or have a direct professional link to the exciting yet demanding aviation field, stress levels might be higher than what is believed to be healthy. Personal troubles nobody is protected from may add up, leading to a breaking point. We are here to turn it all the other way round.

The Pilot Peer Support Program is for anyone in this profession or industry who feels they need to talk to someone who will understand. Even experienced pilots are overburdened at work because of strict rosters, long flight hours, and relationship with co-workers challenges. It is no surprise then that trainee pilots sometimes carry the weight of the world on their shoulders, especially during the flight phase of their training. Impeccable stress management, maximum attention and concentration, and fast learning and thinking – it all is a “must-do“ while being involved in something they have never done before. Instructors’ overall degree of responsibility is exceptionally high as they have to provide effective delivery of content and assess learning achievements of those whose mistakes might be extremely painful.
Realizing all the potential challenges, extensively trained Peer Support Program’s volunteers who are pilots themselves sincerely wish to land an ear to trainee and licenced pilots as well as instructors.

The Peer Support Program has been designed according to EASA standards and is soon to become mandatory for each operator in every EU country. It will allow pilots of any European airline to be guided towards help and counseling. Student pilots who decide to use this Program’s service will engage in an area familiar to airline pilots and get closer to immersing themselves in the actual aviation world.

Do not understate the importance of taking immediate action and solve the issue before it escalates. If you have concerns, doubts, or disturbing thoughts, it is best to speak to your peer now. They will not judge but support and encourage, and it all will take place behind closed doors.